Monday 9 November 2009

SMALL WEAVING PROJECT..... I wanted a small project to do that I could carry around with me. Something to do while sat in hospital waiting rooms for hours on end or in the
airport lounge etc. So I cut myself a cardboard shape with notches to weave a little bag. For this you will need some strong cardboard, a sharp craft knife and 2 D-rings. Make 51 notches evenly round the curved end of the card to hold the warp threads. At the other end of the card (see picture 2) make 2 or 4 holes through the cardboard to hold the D-rings in place. Sew the two D-rings into place through these holes, one on one side and one on the other side. Don't sew in place too tight or you wont get your needle through the D-ring when your warping.
Now you can start to warp up, tie your yarn to the D-ring go over the first notch, turn card over and take it through the D-ring on the other side. Go back over the second notch, turn the card over and take the yarn through the D-ring. Continue like this until you have warped up on all the notches, secure the yarn to the D-ring.
Now you are ready to weave. Work on one side right up to the notches then turn the card over and work in the same way on the other side, right up to the notches. Cut the sewing thread that holds the D-rings and ease the work off the card. Fill in the gape at the turn on the notch edge keeping weave pattern to complete. Make a handle to go through the D-rings and there you have it, a nice little bag that can hold your yarn and hang on your wrist while you are doing your knitting or crochet.
Now, I've not got round to finishing my handle for this little bag yet, it's still on my braid maker. I will post a picture when it's finished. In the mean time I have already warped the card up to make another little bag.

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